Converting the error detection notebooks to a DVC pipeline

ocr post-correction

June 30, 2023

Because ocr postcorrection is a hobby project, I don’t have a lot of time to work on it. This means it is even more important to keep track of what I did. And of course, I didn’t. I don’t remember the details of what I did for the first error detection experiment; I created several versions of the dataset, and changed data processing and evaluation code.

Pulling a boat, by Kamisaka Sekka (1909)

Pulling a boat, by Kamisaka Sekka (1909)

Also, I was getting fed up with manually copying data and models to and from Googlge Drive. High time for data versioning and experiment tracking! So, when I came across a DVC course, I found the perfect excuse to replace the error detection notebooks with a DVC pipeline. My goal was to reproduce the results of the first error detection experiment.

The DVC pipeline

There are three notebooks for running an error detection experiment:

  1. icdar-create-hf-dataset.ipynb for creating the dataset
  2. icdar-task1-hf-train.ipynb for training a model
  3. icdar-task1-hf-evaluation.ipynb for evaluating the model

The first notebook was replaced by two pipeline steps; one to split the data in a training and validation set (src/stages/ and one to create the actual datasets that serve as input for the model training (src/stages/ I wanted to have a separate data split stage, so I can use the same splits for the error correction task. The notebook for training a model was simply converted to a pipeline step (src/stages/ The evaluation notebook was a bit more complicated. After some experimenting, I came to the following division:

Because there were some problems with converting the (raw) model predictions into the expected icdar output format and the evaluation code, I decided to to split it all up in separate steps. Also, it made sense to me to have a separate step for generating copy-pastable results, so I would be able to change the performance report without having to rerun the prediction and evaluation. All pipeline steps are Python scripts and can be found in the src/stages/ directory in the ocrpostcorrection-notebooks repo. The scripts are called from dvc.yaml which contains the pipeline and parameter settings are stored in params.yaml.

Running the pipeline on Google Colab

To be able to run the pipeline on Google Colab, I added a new notebook (run-dvc.ipynb). In addition to code to run the pipeline, the notebook also contains code for mounting Google Drive, cloning the ocrpostcorrection-notebooks repo, installing it, configuring the connection to the DVC remote (which is on Google Drive), pulling the data from and pushing updates to the DVC remote, and committing and pushing changes to GitHub.

Connecting to a DVC remote on Google Drive

On Google Drive, I created a directory for storing the tracked data and stored the URL with the folder ID in a config.local file. As recommended by DVC, I use a Google Cloud project for accessing the remote from Google Colab. The config.local file and generated OAuth credentials (dvc-credentials.json) are stored in another directory on Google Drive. In the notebook, config.local is copied to the .dvc directory of the cloned ocrpostcorrection-notebooks repository, so the remote can be accessed. The config.local file contains the following:

['remote "gdrive"']
    gdrive_service_account_json_file_path = /mntDrive/MyDrive/ocrpostcorrection-config/dvc-credentials.json
    gdrive_use_service_account = true

We can now connect to the DVC remote to pull and push data.

Configuring git and GitHub

Some of the outputs generated by the DVC pipeline are stored in git, so we also need to configure git and connect to GitHub. For using git on Google Colab, you need to set your user name and email address:

git config --global "NAME"
git config --global "EMAIL ADDRESS"

To be able to push commits to GitHub, a remote needs to be added. For authentication, GitHub allows you to create personal access tokens. I created a fine-grained personal access token and stored it in a file on Google Drive in the same directory as the dvc configuration files. In the notebook, the token is read from file and used to add a remote:

token_file = "/mntDrive/MyDrive/ocrpostcorrection-config/github_token"
with open(token_file) as f:
    token =
! git remote add colab https://jvdzwaan:{token}

Some DVC tips and tricks

While converting the notebooks to a DVC pipeline, I learned some things about using DVC.

If your data consists of many files, store them as a zip-file

The ICDAR data set consists of a little over 15,000 text files. My first idea was to just add all the files (in the original directory structure) as raw data. However, when I tried to pull the data on Colab, it took forever to get all the files. So instead, I added the zip-file as raw data. A disadvantage of this approach is that debugging becomes a little harder, because individual files can’t be accessed directly anymore.

Storing intermediary data can be a pitfall

A lot of preprocessing is required to convert the raw text files into a dataset (either for error detection or error correction). Preprocessing the complete dataset takes some time, so I wanted to store an intermediary version of the data. As the preprocessing code stores texts and tokens in custom objects, for a first attempt I tried serializing these objects using pickle. This worked, apart from the fact that the md5 hashes of the resulting changed with every run. I did quite some research to try to find find out why this happened, but I wasn’t able to figure it out. For the second attempt I serialized to JSON. This also didn’t work as desired, because loading the intermediary data took (way) longer than running the preprocessing. So, in the end I went with adding two data preprocessing methods (get_intermediate_data() and extract_icdar_data()) that are called in relevant pipeline steps.

Be careful with floats

Another problem that I ran into was that the md5 hash for the Hugging Face Dataset was different when it was created on my laptop vs. when it was created on Google Colab. My first hunch was that this was due to differences in versions of dependencies. So I added proper dependency management using Poetry. However, this didn’t fix the different file hashes.

My second hunch was that it had something to do with the scores column (normalized edit distance) in the dataset, because these are floats. I am aware that calculating floats on different types of hardware can result in different values (see, e.g., What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic or The pitfalls of verifying floating-point computations), but I never expected that the md5 hash for a dataset with floats calculated on my laptop would be different when the file was transferred to Google Colab (or vice versa). It is perfectly possible that I made some other mistake that caused this problem, but removing the float column from the dataset fixed the issue, which was what I wanted to achieve.

Ignore cache files

The error detection model is trained using Hugging Face transformers. The dataset is a Hugging Face Dataset. When loading the dataset, Hugging Face creates cache files in the directory where the dataset is stored. This is a problem, because the existence of these cache files means that the md5 hash for the training input is different from the output of the dataset creation. As DVC uses the md5 hash to determine whether an input or output of a pipeline step changed and, therefore, needs to be run again to recreate the input/output. I solved this problem by adding Hugging Face cache files to the .dvcignore file.

Rerunning the first error detection experiment

Of course, I can’t exactly reproduce the first error detection experiment, but I tried using the same parameters as much as possible. One of the biggest differences between the first experiment (using notebooks) and the new one is the data split. Because I didn’t use a seed when splitting the data for the first experiment, this part can’t be reproduced. The table below shows the losses for the first experiment (‘Experiment notebooks’) and two variations of the DVC pipeline. For ‘Experiment DVC’ the dataset split was stratified on language and I also ran the pipeline for a dataset split (with the same seed) stratified on (language) subset. The table below shows that the losses for the models trained with the DVC pipline are a bit lower.

Loss Train Val Test
Experiment notebooks 0.2539 0.2906 -
Experiment DVC 0.2398 0.2872 0.4475
Experiment DVC stratified on subset 0.2439 0.2839 0.4422

The results are similar for the F1 scores per language (see table below). The performance for the DVC pipelines is better. Because, in the mean time, I also fixed a bug in the evaluation script, the table contains an additional row with results for the orginal evaluation script. We see that only the results from French suffered from this bug.

Experiment notebooks 0.74 0.64 0.93 0.62 0.59 0.82 0.59 0.66 0.77 0.63
Experiment DVC 0.75 0.68 0.96 0.66 0.64 0.83 0.69 0.69 0.81 0.67
Experiment DVC stratified on subset 0.75 0.69 0.96 0.67 0.63 0.83 0.69 0.69 0.81 0.68
Experiment DVC with old eval script (stratified on language) 0.75 0.68 0.96 0.66 0.64 0.83 0.66 0.69 0.81 0.67

Although I don’t want to complain about getting better results, I’m not completely satisfied with the outcome. It is known that the ICDAR dataset is quite noisy, so the different data split is the most probable explanation for the differences in performance. Maybe I should console myself with the fact that from now on differences in performance are easier to trace.